Absolut 2009

Registration Status: 15 / 28 places filled. (waiting list not available yet)


Testimonial 3 - Desmond Chua

Posted by Gao Zi

Turning Point

If SWAPS (Society of Social Work and Psychology Students) is the turning point in my university life, Absolut Camp was the defining moment in that turning point.

The interaction with people, the honest sharing of opinions and views, or just enjoying myself in the fun games... Absolut Camp beats all the other camps I have attended, hands down. Because the camp is no longer about making friends or having fun, it is about understanding myself through the structured activities where everyone is equal and entitled to their opinion.

In my 4 years of university life, regardless of the form of participation I had in Absolut, either as a camper, programmer or a facilitator, I was able to discover more about my strengths, weakness, personality and principles. That's why I enjoyed Absolut so much, because I always managed to gain some wisdom from the camp.

Some of you might go back feeling, "Yes, it was overall quite fun, but I don't think I learn anything new about myself". But the Absolut Camp will (or at least the organizing committee hopes to) plant in you some seeds of insight & wisdom, that will germinate as you continue the life journey. As I read through my blog on my Absolut Camp experience to write this short passage, I find myself reliving old thoughts and feelings. It dawned on me multiple times that the 2003 learning points are still applicable to me now.

To end off, I will sing this to the present Social Work Society and Absolut:
"And life is the road,
And I wanna keep going,
Love is a river and
I wanna keep flowing
Life is a road now and forever a
Wonderful journey".
--- extracted from the sound track of "Anastasia": “Life is the Road”

-Desmond Chua,
Camper of Absolut Masquerade (2002),
Programmer of AbsolutleeU (2003),
Facilitator of Absolut Emerge (2004)

Psychology Major, Graduating Class of 04/05