What is Absolut Camp about?
The mission of the camp is to enhance self-awareness for all its participants, through group activities, camp planning, and facilitation.
Nothing is absolute. The camp name originated from years ago, when our seniors in the previous camp committees decided that dropping the “e” in the word “absolute” is a form of symbolising the uncertainty in what one knows about oneself.
Absolut is a 3D2N residential camp. Most activities will include some form of sharing, where facilitators pave a path for all group members to express their views on important or sometimes controversial issues. There will also be physical activities both to stimulate the kinetics of your body, and to pose challenges to your perception of limitations and safety zones. Much more of the camp remains to be told and experienced.
The current committee is made up of a core team that is organising the camp for the 2nd time. With our exposure to the camp both as campers and organisers, we have built up a commitment to the concept of the camp. As we prepare to end the chapter of our vibrant varsity life, we hope to relive the process of engaging ourselves with a new group of campers and facilitators through this camp, to share our insight with all of you out there who have yet to experience this strong force of transformation.
We truly believe that the Absolut Experience will create a deep and profound impact on you, just like how it had on us.
May everyone grow and learn from this Absolut Camp.
Koh Zhisheng
Chairperson, Absolut Camp 2007
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