Absolut 2009

Registration Status: 15 / 28 places filled. (waiting list not available yet)


Postponing of Absolut 2009

Posted by Gao Zi

Dear readers,

I would like to formally announce that Absolut 2009 is being postponed to the new dates

Fri 8 May - Sun 10 May

We've met with several difficulties, especially with the clash between the original dates and make up lectures. To maximise the efforts put in by all the organisers and the facilitators who are volunteering a lot of their time for training, we think it would be best to avoid all the hussle of the ongoing semester and reschedule.

We hope we have not disappointed too many people with this change, and we hope that this will have make signing up a easier choice to make!

As usual, we are eagerly awaiting for you! and the time that we will spend together during this special experience!