Absolut 2009

Registration Status: 15 / 28 places filled. (waiting list not available yet)


Considered joining the camp?

Posted by Gao Zi

Absolut Camp is a self awareness camp. Learning about the self is achieved through small group activities and personal reflection. Other challenging and interesting activities in the camp prepare to give you a broad range of experience and opportunities to indulge in self-directed experiential learning.

And more things I enjoy. I enjoy the feeling of sharing amicably with a group of friends, old and new; I like being listened to, and listening to others; and I like that heightened sense of self-awareness that allows me to know just more.

And now I extend this invitation to you. Join us in something meaningful.

If you are ready for a meaningful experience, do sign up now.


Gao Zi said...

testing the commenting function to verify that it works. HA.